On Friday, Snoop Dogg’s son, Corde Broadus, announced to Instagram that his 10-day old son passed away.
Corde said, “Thank you for all the condolences. I think we missed the biggest lesson tho. My son did all he needed to do in his 10 days here on earth. He has now graduated and continuing to do work,” Corde, 25, shared. “He died in my arms and that feeling of energy will never leave me. Kai wants all of you to kno he’s doing great and wants to continue to inspire those who light is dim.”
Since this announcement, the outpour of support from fans has been immense.
Snoop Dogg has not said much about the passing himself, but he posted a message thread to Instagram soon after Corde’s post that read “If you’re facing something you don’s understand: Choose to trust God. Remember all He has done for you…”

We give our condolences to Snoop Dogg and his entire family.