In Soul, Joe Gardner (voiced by Jaime Foxx) is a middle school band teacher by day and a jazz musician on the side. Joe is walking the streets of New York, discussing his next gig, when he falls down a pothole and ends up in another realm, according to Shadow and Act.
Next summer, Joe Gardner will discover his brilliant, passionate self. Watch the new trailer for Disney & Pixar’s Soul. #PixarSoul
— Pixar (@Pixar) November 7, 2019
Tina Fey , Questlove, and Phylicia Rashad will also star in Soul.
According to Variety, he’s sent to the “You Seminar,’ an ethereal center where souls are refined before being sent off to human bodies.”
“We only have a short time on this planet,” Foxx’s character Joe Gardner says in the new trailer released Thursday. “You want to become the person you were born to be. Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you, the brilliant passionate you that’s willing to contribute something meaningful to this world.”
“Next summer, Joe Gardner will discover his brilliant, passionate self,” reads the YouTube description. The film hits theaters June 19, 2020.